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08/08/2014 2:55 pm
no-avatar offline dwsmail

Joined: 08/08/2014

Posts: 1

Stapleton Family of Ballycahill Also Cullagh & Carroll Families

I am trying to trace my Irish ancestors but have got really stuck on the Stapleton line from Ballycahill, Tipperary. (I have got no-where with etc). This is what I know:

Thomas Stapleton (my g-g-grandfather) was born on 8th August 1835 at Ballycahill, Tipperary.

Thomas's Parents were: William Stapleton and Jane Cullagh. I have no more information on William and Jane other than they appeared as Thomas's parents on his birth record.

Thomas had an Sister calle Anne who was born 6 May 1838 in Holycross Parish, Tipperary.

Thomas married Honora Carroll on 28 January 1860 at Holycross Parish, Tipperary. They emigrated to Guernsey shortly afterwards (I have thier records from Guernsey).

I would really like to find out more about the Stapleton's of Ballycahill especially William and Jane, also anything else on the Cullagh and Carroll families, who I assume were from the same area. Can anyone help please?

Dave Stapleton

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