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Tyrone (county)

24/12/2005 2:15 am
no-avatar offline donaldmail

Joined: 24/12/2005

Posts: 2

browlow or brownlow
I,m looking for a Browlow that lived and was born in Ireland Co.Tyrone. So far all my searches have been fruitless. Maybe the name could have been pronounced Brownlow, I'm not sure.
But if anyone has heard of the surname Browlow or Brownlow with the name eliza attached, who was born in Co.Tyrone between 1840 1850 I will be happy to hear from you.This person eventually married in around 1860-1870 and became Diver.I have not been able to find in the Death records an Eliza Diver.She was 60yrs in 1901 therefore I am assuming she may have lived another 20yrs. So I have been searching sometime between 1901 to 1921 for a death record .Am I right in doing this guess work? No records have been found so I don't know if its bad guess work.
Could anyone help me with this one?