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Sligo (county)

07/05/2008 10:14 am
no-avatar offline lesley472mail

Joined: 07/05/2008

Posts: 1

Family Links in Sligo
Hi i am looking for any family connection from sligo, my G G Grandparents must have left sligo after 1849 as they had a child there in 1849 their next child my great grandfather was born in chesterfield derbyshire peter layton sometimes spelt leyton or leydon in 1853. Peter Layton married Elizabeth? they had children in sligo Thomas 1838, Patrick 1842, Malachi 1844, Margaret 1846, Andrew 1849, they had 2 more children in chesterfield derbyshire peter 1853 my great grandfather and john 1856 any information would be great. Thanks Lesley Bett