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09/12/2013 6:15 pm
avataroffline gaeilgemail

Joined: 09/12/2013

Posts: 1 - a call for help
Dia Daoibh,
I've just launched a crowdfunding campaign on indiegogo to help me develop I'm offering to develop a full Irish language course with 12 months of access for just $8.

You can see the campaign here:

Have a look at the video and let me know if you might be ale to share the story with your followers, friends etc. I really need to get the word out so any help is greatly appreciated.

Any new recruits or contributions will be very much appreciated too.

The Irish language is useful for anyone researching their Irish ancestry so hopefully some folk might signup!

Let me know what you think.


Le gach dea-ghuí,

peter s

***If you wish to email gaeilge, Subscribe and use the Private Message (PM) links