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26/05/2019 3:56 pm
no-avatar offline idajomail

Joined: 26/05/2019

Posts: 1

Joseph O`Reilly - lost relative/Norway/Ireland
I am looking for my friends biological grandfather, a man named Joseph O`Reilly, who lived in (the north of) Norway during the 60s(probably mid sixties). He must have been born between 1930-1948.

We have the absolute minimum of information. All we know is that he is irish, and might have lived a period in England as well with my friends grandmother, who is norwegian.

This is our only clues:

Adress (from the 60s): 388 Ballyoulster Celbridge, Kildare, Ireland

Unforunately this is all we know, as this subject is not a topic of discussion within the family. We also have one photo.

We have searched "everywhere", but have found out this is a quite common name. Is there anyone here who might know anything, or could point us in the right direction for where to search? We have tried Myheritage etc., Facebook, Yellow Pages. But its very difficult.

I am very grateful for any tips that might lead us in the right direction.

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